A two-part event

This March 2023 international conference dedicated to "Reincarnated adornments. Body ornaments to reveal identities and mobilities in the Metal Ages" is a continuation of the APRAB thematic day of March 2022 entitled "Disembodied ornaments. Bronze Age body ornaments as tracers of exchange". This second part will take place at the Musée d'Archéologie Nationale in Saint-Germain-en-Laye on 2 and 3 March 2023. It is organised both as part of the grant awarded to the 2020 winner of the 3rd Joseph Déchelette European Archaeology Prize and within the framework of the APRAB (Association pour la Promotion des Recherches sur l'âge du Bronze) thematic days.

These two events have the ambition to present current research on Metal Ages adornments and will be published in a single book.

This international workshop will precede the traditional annual APRAB Information Day, which will take place on Saturday March 4th 2023, also at the MAN.


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